Langtang Trek Cost Breakdown: Detailed Price Breakup of Langtang Trek

Trip Overview

Langtang Trek is a popular trekking destination in the Himalayas of Nepal. It is located about 130 km north of Kathmandu and is known for its stunning mountain scenery, diverse flora and fauna, and rich cultural heritage. The trek typically takes around 7-10 days to complete and offers breathtaking views of the Langtang Lirung (7,246m), Langtang Ri (7,205m), and other surrounding peaks.

The trek begins from Syabrubesi, a small village at an altitude of 1,560m, and winds its way through rhododendron forests, alpine meadows, and glaciers to the Langtang Valley. Along the way, trekkers can visit ancient monasteries, villages, and traditional Sherpa settlements, and spot a variety of wildlife including red pandas, snow leopards, and Himalayan black bears.

The trek is considered moderately challenging due to the high altitude and steep terrain, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Trekkers typically camp or stay in local teahouses along the way, enjoying local cuisine and hospitality. The best time to attempt the Langtang Trek is during the spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November) when the weather is mild and clear.


Embarking on the enchanting Langtang Trek is an investment in a lifetime of memories. This journey, nestled in the heart of the Nepalese Himalayas, weaves through verdant forests, quaint mountain settlements, and ultimately to the ethereal beauty of the Langtang Valley. The cost of this Langtang Trek can be as diverse as the landscape itself, influenced by factors such as the length of the trek, the season you choose, the level of luxury you prefer in accommodations, and the services you require. However, let’s break it down to give you a rough idea of what to expect.

Permit Costs for Langtang Trek:
To trek in the Langtang region, you’ll need a couple of permits. The first is the Langtang National Park Entry Permit, which typically costs around USD 30 per person. Additionally, if you’re trekking with a guide or porter, they will also need their permits.

Guide and Porter Fees for Langtang Trek:
While not mandatory, hiring a guide and porter is highly recommended for a safer and more enriching experience. The cost for a professional guide ranges from USD 20 to USD 30 per day, while a porter might cost around USD 15 to USD 20 per day. These rates may vary based on their experience and the season.

Accommodation and Meals Cost for Langtang Trek:
Teahouses are the main form of accommodation along the trekking route. Prices can range from USD 5 to USD 10 per night for a basic room with shared facilities, while more luxurious lodges may cost up to USD 20 or more. Meals are generally inexpensive, with a full day’s worth of food costing anywhere between USD 10 to USD 15. Expect to spend around USD 30 per day for accommodation and food combined.

Transportation cost for embarking on Langtang Trek:
The starting point for the trek is usually Syabrubesi, which can be reached from Kathmandu via a scenic bus ride costing approximately USD 8 to USD 12. You may also choose to return to Kathmandu by bus or opt for a more expensive yet thrilling helicopter ride for an extra cost.

Trekking Gear and Equipment:
If you don’t already own trekking gear, you can rent it in Kathmandu or hire a porter to carry your extra luggage. Prices for renting gear can vary but expect to spend around USD 10 to USD 20 per day.

Travel insurance that covers trekking at high altitudes is essential. Prices vary greatly based on the level of coverage and the duration of your trip, but a good policy can cost anywhere from USD 50 to USD 200.

Tipping for Guide and Porter:
While not included in the trek cost, it’s customary to tip your guide and porter at the end of the trip. A tip of around 10-15% of the total cost is considered appropriate.

Total Langtang Trek Cost Estimation:
For a 10-day basic Langtang Trek with a guide and porter, including permits, accommodation, meals, and transportation from Kathmandu, you might spend approximately USD 600 to USD 800. This doesn’t include international flights, travel insurance, personal gear, or additional luxuries such as hot showers or Wi-Fi along the trail.

Keep in mind that these are just estimates and can fluctuate based on various factors. It’s always wise to plan for some extra cash for emergencies, additional snacks, or souvenirs from the local communities you’ll encounter. The cost of a trek can also be significantly affected by the time of year; the high season (March to May and September to November) tends to be more expensive due to higher demand.

When planning your budget, remember that the actual cost can be tailored to your preferences and financial capabilities. Whether you choose to trek in luxury or prefer a more modest approach, the breathtaking vistas and cultural experiences awaiting you in the Langtang region are truly priceless.

Excellent Himalaya Trek and Expedition is the leading operator of Langtang Trek managed by Local Tourism Experts and Sherpas of Nepal. Please contact us by email at [email protected] or WhatsApp/ Viber at +977 9851203181 for any further information about Langtang Valley Trek, or if any questions. Once we receive your message, we get back to you within 24 hours.

Langtang Trek Itinerary

Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (Alt. 1467m/4813ft) by bus. 145 km northwest of Kathmandu. Driving 6:30 hours. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 2: Trekking from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (Alt. 2470m/ 8104ft). Walking 6 hrs. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 3: Trekking from Lama Hotel to Langtang village (Alt. 3430m/11253ft). Walking 6 hours. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 4: Trekking from Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa (Alt. 3870m/12697ft). Walking 3 hours. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 5: Hiking up Kyanjin Ri or Tsergo Ri (Alt. 5050m/16564ft) and back to Kyanjin Gompa. Walking 6 hours. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 6: Trekking from Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel (Alt. 2470m/ 8104ft). Walking 6 hours. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 7: Trekking from Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi (Alt. 1467m/4813ft). Walking 5 hours. Overnight at Tea House.
Day 8: Drive from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu (Alt. 1350m/ 4429ft) by bus. 145 km. Driving 6:30 hours.

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